Transgender in The United States

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What it means to be transgender in The United States History One of the names that appears in the historical literature of transgender rights in the United States is Virginia Prince. In the 1940s, she began living as a woman in San Francisco. Later in that decade, Harry Benjamin, a physician in San Francisco, started […]
A Story From One of The World’s Most Transphobic Places

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For any transgender person, being forced to act the sex you were assigned at birth is a psychological torment. For gay and trans people in countries where they are at risk of persecution and ill treatment, the problem isn’t just being forced to conform to the conventions. The other problem is the rift that this […]
The Pearl Of Africa: The First Ever Global PPFA Maggie Award

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This is just amazing! I can’t believe it’s true. Yesterday, we won the first global PPFA Maggie Award for our work on LGBTI rights in Uganda. For media journalist excellence. PP have never ever given the prize to a project outside of U.S, until now. It has been hard to keep this a secret for […]
Who Are We To Judge A Country Like Uganda?

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I think that before 2009 few people around the world knew what the Ugandan people are like, with little media attention to the country following a brutal civil war. Many who wondered what food the Ugandans like or why the country is called “the pearl of Africa” would have had to turn to Google for […]
Glossary – Education

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Glossary Bigendered – A person whose gender identity is a combination of male/man and female/ woman. Binding – The process of flattening one’s breasts to have a more masculine or flat appearing chest. Bisexual – A person emotionally, physically, and/or sexually attracted to males/men and females/women. This attraction does not have to be equally split […]
The Day Of Surgery!

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The day has come! Cleo has been dreaming of this for so long time. She has woken up and the surgery has gone well! They say that a picture says more than a thousand words, so I thought I’d share a photo collage with you. Hope you’ll like it! The final! Right before the surgery. […]
Our Travel to Thailand

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It’s now one week and a couple of days to our travel to Thailand, its amazing how time flies by so fast… still pinching myself to make myself believe this is not a dream buts its actually happening…Of course I had a swarm of butterflies in my stomach, my fiance, and workmates tell me this […]
Screening at Indiewood Movie Theatre

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Last week we’re screening The Pearl Of Africa in New Orleans, USA. We got the privilege to show it at the Indiewood Movie Theatre. The screening went great, we’re so gladful for all the support we’ve been giving. To see people’s interest in the story and Cleo’s journey. There’re so many people that want to […]
Over $10 000 Funded For Cleo’s Sex Reassignment Surgery

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THANK YOU! It’s amazing! We’re there. Together we’ve raised over 10 000 dollars for Cleo’s sex reassignment surgery. I couldn’t imagine this before we started. A couple of minutes after we have reached our goal, Cleo posted a update on our Facebook page.It is really a post worth reading, instead of having me telling you […]
Jonny Von Wallström on Huffington Post Live
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Watch Jonny Von Wallström guesting Huffington Post live to talk about The Pearl Of Africa. It’s a 6 minute interview hosted by Josh Zepps. Listen to Jonny while he talks about the background of the project and how he meet Cleopatra. It’s now only 25 days left of the campaign and we’ve so far raised […]