Screening at Indiewood Movie Theatre

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Last week we’re screening The Pearl Of Africa in New Orleans, USA. We got the privilege to show it at the Indiewood Movie Theatre. The screening went great, we’re so gladful for all the support we’ve been giving. To see people’s interest in the story and Cleo’s journey.
There’re so many people that want to make a difference and change the way we’re treating the LGBTI community today. We’re hearing news about discriminations and killings every day, and not just in Uganda. Cleo’s story is so powerful and she’s such a strong person going through with all this. To see her strong belief and hope that she has on changing the way society look at transgender people is truly inspiring!
We’ve by the way now started planning everything for Thailand. We’ll tell you everything about it very soon!
Feel free to visit our Facebook page for more updates on the project.