The Goal is to Actually Change Something

Posted on Dec 12, 2014 in News
The Goal is to Actually Change Something
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Around the world, transgender people are discriminated, harassed and killed because of showing their sexual identity. Our goal with this documentary is to actually change something.

We want to bring up the voice of a black transgender woman. Showing what her life is like and what her dreams are. A personal story of how hatred has affected her life and if she’ll ever be able to have kids. We have seen her question gender identities and every human’s right to love someone openly.

Cleo is an openly transgender woman who is about to undergo a sex reassignment surgery. It is partly a dream for her to finally go through with it, also hoping she will be the first transgender person who will be acknowledged for her true gender identity.

That’s why we have started this campaign for her, to make this possible. By supporting her, you’re not only helping Cleo’s dream come true, but you are also giving life to a debate and taking a stand against the violations of human rights that are carried out on LGBTI people in Uganda.

We are truly grateful for all the help we can get. If you want to donate and check out the campaign, just click here.

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