Interview with The Pearl of Africa Filmmaker Jonny von Wallström

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This is the first in a series of interviews with people from the International LGBTI and Transgender communities, from Uganda to the United States, from activists, authors and others concerned about the civil and human rights, the politics, the everyday lives, the stories of LGBTI people around the world. Filmmaker Jonny von Wallström, who produced […]
Interview with The Pearl of Africa Filmmaker Jonny von Wallström, Part V – Conclusion

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Q: Since President Museveni signed the Anti-Homosexuality Bill, does this affect your plans at all? Jonny: It makes it much more dangerous to make this film. Both for Cleo and me. But it does give me an even stronger reason to make the film. It will definitely affect the story, but since the future hasn’t […]
Interview with Filmmaker Jonny von Wallström, Part IV

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Q: Your movie Zero Silence was called visionary because it foresaw the importance of and the potential for major political change generated through social media in the Middle East. With The Pearl of Africa you are once again thinking outside the box by fundraising for Cleo’s gender confirmation surgery, then following and filming her through […]
Interview with Pearl of Africa Filmmaker Jonny von Wallström, Part III

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Today we continue with Part III of our interview with Swedish filmmaker Jonny von Wallström, who is currently making a feature length movie about a Ugandan transgender woman as part of a broader LGBTI education and activism effort in the wake of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill. Q: So Jonny, how did you come to be concerned […]
The Pearl of Africa Interview with Jonny von Wallström Part II

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In Part II of our interview with filmmaker Jonny von Wallström, he talks about earning the trust of Ugandan transgender woman Cleo K., the subject of his newest film, The Pearl of Africa. Q: How did you connect with Cleo? Jonny: While I was researching doing a project focused on the Anti-Homosexuality Bill in Kampala, […]
The Pearl of Africa Interview Series, Part I: Interview with the Filmmaker

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Today begins a series of interviews with people from the International LGBTI and Transgender communities, from Uganda to the United States, from activists, authors and other individuals concerned about the civil and human rights, the politics and everyday lifestyles of LGBTI people around the world. Filmmaker Jonny von Wallström who produced the movie Zero Silence, […]

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A couple of days ago we shot a beautiful scene in the morning. Check out the first pictures and let us now what you think? There was an issue loading your timed LeadBox™. Please check plugin settings.
Transgender remembrance day

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Picture taken on the transgender remembrance day in Kampala. Opening scene for the movie? There was an issue loading your timed LeadBox™. Please check plugin settings.
From Kampala with love

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For the last couple of days we’ve been busy filming the documentary in Kampala. What we got so far looks nothing but amazing and we just wanted to share these two pictures from today’s shoot. There was an issue loading your timed LeadBox™. Please check plugin settings.